The international dentistry industry is huge. Moreover, it is
also growing at a high rate since the last five years. The Asian markets are
doing exceptionally well in this regard with two digit growth rates. India has
undoubtedly become a substantial market for the growth and sustenance of dental
business activities.
India has more than 5000 dental laboratories and 297
institutes that offer courses on dentistry. Most of these institutes boast of
scientifically approved curriculum and experienced faculty. Experts predict
that in the coming 3 years, India will take over USA as the largest market for
dental products and treatment services.

In the coming years, the growth in the domestic dental market
is expected to rise due to a surge in investments in this domain. There has
been a significant increase in the field of investment in multispecialty
hospitals that offer dedicated general dentistry, surgery and dental aesthetics
services. Start-ups focussing on aesthetic dentistry are also mushrooming in the
major cities of the country. Although this is not sufficient, it cannot be
denied most of the improvements in this field happened within the last decade.
In fact, today, the value of dental laboratories and the industry of dentists in Mumbai is very high. There is a huge demand for expert dentists
which is opening up lots of employment opportunities for the youth.
There are several factors which have contributed to the
growing demand for dental replacement in India. A few of these factors are growing
awareness of dental health and oral beauty, high expenditure in healthcare
sector, investment friendly policies of the present government, cuts in custom
duties on imports of dental treatment products, high disposable income of the
millennials to invest in oral beauty and increasing cases of tooth cavities due
to erratic lifestyle.
However, India
significantly lags behind in the aspect of manufacturing of dental products.
Most of the dental equipment and accessories are imported from the western
countries which has an impact on the pricing of dental treatment services. In fact, the implant segment of
dentistry is fully dependent on the foreign companies. However, the present
government is trying to boost manufacturing within the country through
programmes like ‘Make in India’. If manufacturing increases, India can not only
cater to its domestic needs completely, but also export additional products to
the less developed countries. This will also help the Indian dental service
companies go multinational. The path seems clear now.
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