Dentist in India solving root canal problems in best possible way!
Like all other branches of medicine, dentistry too has
changed over the years. It has greatly developed and both in terms of pain
control and the aesthetics of the field. There are many ways to save a tooth
even as it is almost gone and also ways of restoring a lost tooth. India is a
country that stands at the forefront of world dentistry and almost all the
latest advancements can be found here. When a tooth is decayed very badly the only way to save it is
through a root canal treatment. This is a treatment that is also known as
endontic treatment as in treats the area ‘endo’ inside the tooth or ‘don’t.’ A root canal problem is identified
as such when the living tissue which keeps the tooth alive gets infected. It
happens when the decay spreads into the tooth and reaches the pulp and finally
reaches the tooth. At this stage the tooth cannot be saved by filling the
cavity because the entire system of the tooth has been affected. This problem
also occurs when the tooth is damaged from a crack, a fracture or even a chip.
The first thing to remember before undergoing a root canal
procedure is that it is a process that eliminates pain rather than cause it.
There are many stages for a root canal problem. The first step is numbing the
tooth and its surrounding area using a local anaesthesia. Then a dental dam is
placed. This is a rubber or vinyl sheet through which the infected tooth
protrudes. This isolates the tooth and provides a sterile environment to treat
the tooth. Then a hole is drilled into the tooth through the biting surface so
that the pulp chamber and the root canals can be taken out. Once this is
removed the tooth is no longer painful. Then the canals are disinfected and
shaped so they can be filled. Once this is done, the tooth is washed out so
that debris is flushed out. Then it is filled usually with a rubber like
material called gutta percha combined with dental cement. The crown is placed
over the tooth to seal it and protect it. Antibiotics may then be prescribed to
prevent infection. The tooth is thus restored to its formal glory and is
painless. Of all the places in India which promotes dental
tourism it is perhaps dentists in India that are the most popular. There are many
options in the city for both regular and cosmetic dentistry and many people
visit the city for the same. The dentists here are on par with those anywhere
else in the world and the costs are more economical especially when compared to
the west.
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